Just Sing it the Way it was Written

Saturday, July 4, 2009
When did it become commonplace to sing the National Anthem as if you were auditioning for American Idol? Being the 4th of July, of course this would come up but see I go to at least 42 hockey games a year (usually more) & at every one they sing the anthem. Probably 90% of the time, it irritates me. I think it's sad that I actually get excited when I hear someone sing it correctly. The song was written with a certain rhythm, a specific tempo - you do not need to drag it out to twice it's original length just because you think you have an awesome voice. Cuz here's the thing - even if you do have an awesome voice, I don't give a shit. It's the NATIONAL ANTHEM - just sing it the way it's written!!

Hhmmm, I think it's safe to say I've moved into the sarcastic, irritated phase of the healing process!

Happy Independence Day everyone.


Michel said...

HAHAH! OMG! I totally agree! I hate hate HATE when people try to snazz it up. It's frankly not that great of a song. Just sing it, think about it, and move on!

PS you know what's worse than snazzin it up? When FOREIGNERS sing your national anthem and F it up! yes, definitely worse!

Mike said...

Actually, the national anthem was a poem, and was never really written to be a song, that is why it is so difficult to sing, but I do agree with you that it should just be sung one way. Artists now are all trying to further their own careers by trying to make an impact with their version!

Mike said...

Hey Michel! Fancy meeting you here!!!!!LOL!

CheapAndEasy said...

Otin - don't discount a perfectly good rant with some kind of logic about it being a poem! At some point it was written as a song & that's what I'm going with. Ah, screw it, I don't even like the song. I'd rather hear America the Beautiful or God Bless America. Canada's anthem rocks. It's so much better than ours & more importantly, no one EVER tries to jazz it up & drag it out. They just sing it. Imagine that....

the un-bride said...

Snark away, girl!

Unknown said...

100% AGREE!!!

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